Monday, November 9, 2009

New Post? wha???

I finally took a look at my post and noticed that I have NOT updated it for 3 months! yikes!!! A LOT has happened since then, and I shall do my best to recall my past 3 months. Though I should be working on my grades, I shall update my blog (haha... what a great teacher!!).

In the month of September I...
- became a teacher once again. I'm back at CHCS teaching 16 5th graders.
- watched Legally Blonde with the BF, Karen, and Anthony
- celebrated with the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Dy
- went do Disneyland many times
- was sick many days

In October I...
- celebrated my halfiversary with the best BF ever. We spent a weekend up in San Jose and SF.
- did the CHOC Walk around Disneyland
- registered for the Nike Human Race run around USC but didn't actually run it cuz I was sick
- celebrated Sabrina's 2nd birthday at her Ninog Mike's house. I can't believe she's already two!
- Went back to the 60's to celebrate RJ's 18th
- Went back to the 80's for Halloween
- went to Disneyland many times
- was sick many days

So far in November I...
- went to Ski Dazzle and picked up a ski jacket and pants. Yes, I shall attempt to snowboard this coming season, after a 5 year hiatus.
- Saw Kooza with the BF at the Santa Monica Pier. Super awesome show!!
- have been sick

Recurring theme...being sick. boooo... Why am I always sick??? It could be because...
1. I'm around kiddoes all the time who are not the best at covering their mouths when they sneeze
2. The weird and sporadic change in the weather. One day it's 90 degrees, and the same night the temperature plummets down.
3. I don't know when to say no to things like hanging out with people.
4. I don't get enough sleep because of number 3.
5. I haven't been working out as often as I'd like to.
6. I'm dating someone who has the same complex as me (see item #3). No joke, we drove over 300 miles in one weekend because of all of the activities we went to.

I promise to post pictures soon. I guess I haven't done too much the past few months...except be sick in bed. grr... Never the less, I smile and thank God for where He has me today: back at teaching, back at home, back with the best BF ever, back with my family. Back.


krissamartinez said...

finally! haha

The Hows said...

so how's teaching going? can you post pics of your kids? do i know anyone in your class? hope you get to feeling better! it looks like you've still been having a lot of fun! (i have interim reports due tomorrow and here i am blogging.)

Unknown said...


I really like this one.

Kindergarten Schools In Kottivakkam