Been working out more lately. I absolutely LOVE working out. I mean, I think I could be quite the girly girl, but I love sweating, getting all gross at the gym, pumping some iron, and getting that heart rate up. It's a great feeling. Not only am I feeling better and fitting into my clothes better, but I'm also gaining more energy to do the things I want to do. Like snowboarding!
Yes, last Saturday was my second attempt at this outdoor activity. Years and year and years ago I tried it for the first time and HATED IT!! I'll spare you the details. But, for part 2 of my Christmas present, the bf took me to Big Bear to board. I loved it! He was very patient with me and I only got frustrated for 20 minutes during my second run. Not bad, right? And, I learned a little about myself.
1. I CAN get out of bed by 5 a.m. if I really wanted to.
2. I'm goofy.... footed.
3. I prefer my heels over my toesies.
4. I can get up quite easily toe-side, but not heel-side...hence the aforementioned frustration.
5. I can plow and kindda leaf.
6. I detest the blasted lift.
7. I can get up if I stop telling myself that I can't get up.
My growing family, working out, and having fun in the snow make me smile. =)
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