Friday, January 16, 2009

The Great 2-8

Yes, I admit it, I'm 28 years old!
No...28 years...young.
28. I don't feel like I'm 28, whatever that means.
Many people say I look like I'm 22 or even 18.
That's a good thing I suppose; it's all relative.
At 28, many of my friends are married and have one or two little ones running around.
Me? No kids, no husband, no boyfriend, nothing
but pure joy.
I'm doing what I was born to do.
I'm doing things that make me very happy.
I'm living life LOVED and loving the life I live.
Not many people my age can say that.
Not many people twice my age can say that.

I've lived a great life thus far.
Had my ups and my down, but now it's more up than down.
Way up actually
Relaxing, coasting, spending
time with family and friends from all over the world
Just until I take flight again to the next land I shall call home

it's gonna be a great year
This 28th one of mine; I can just feel it
New year. New me. New girl. Newness of life.
No complaints of wanting him or wanting them
when I hear them wanting to take back some years of their married lives
And besides, I already have Him
and He's the best Him there will ever be

350-some-odd-days left and I know they'll be amazing
through my wrinkly 28-year-old skin, I smile and live another great year


Aura said...

Wrinkly? You're far from it. :) Praise God for another year He has blessed you with! We need to get together soon! Let's make it happen! :)

Buzz Girl said...

Hey Miss Villarin

I was so glad to see you and hear you teach chapel I just wanted to say Happy late 28th birthday your awesome!!


Buzz Girl said...

Hey Miss Villarin!
I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I don't know if Meg told you this, but we saw you at the Commons a couple weeks ago. I hope you are doing well and having fun.
Love, Brooke