Monday, October 1, 2007

Praying for Rain

I'm praying that God would bring rain soon. Next year. Next year. I'm praying and will continue to pray until the Lord showers His wonderful drops of direction on my head. I absolutely love my family, my friends, my kiddies...but there's gotta be more to life. I've had a desire to go. I've been wanting to break free of this So Cal lifestyle, this short-lived bubble for so long. I think now's the best time than ever. No attachments. Nothing holding me back. I want a change. I want to change. Rain please come. Lord, please, if it's your will open the doors of heaven and let it flood. Shower. Pour. Lord, I want to go. If it's your will, please send me. I'm excited. I really am quite excited for where the Lord is going to lead me. I'm going to keep on praying, but I have this urge, this feeling, this..this excitement that things are going to be different. I'm going to continue to prepare for the rain. Applications will be filled out and mailed. Websites will be visited. Studying will be done. Prayers will be sent. Prayers will be answered and, Lord willing, I will be sent. Next year. Let the rains come..and when they fall, I will smile,


Rubyellen said...

i know you are getting ready for the rain...we are getting rain here...oh boy!!! gotta tell you!!! and are sick!!! you are not allowed to work, but only to rest!!! and who said you cant have a ruby original earlier...i will work on something special!!! BTW...we love when God sends rain...get excited for your rain!!!

Rubyellen said...

Not sure where all the places you are applying to are...I know where your heart it though...and linda was asking me where you are going and she said if you are interested in Korea...THEY ARE HIRING!!! maybe one year away from all you know will, surrounded by a language that is unfamiliar...will help prepare for more rain!!!

jOi-C said...

you know florida lifestyle is so far and different from cali life?! hehe it's really slow and laid back. Teacher are so low and in demand. They have a program called Teach Florida, its incentives to get more teachers. They pay for exsiting student loans if you commit to teach for 3 yrs at one of the schools on their list. (it's a huge list too). Houses are so cheap out here that even on a single teacher's salary, you'd be able to buy a house if you wanted.